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Qi Gong


I believe that living a healthy and happy life is something that should be experienced by everyone. The moment you choose to move your energy, your transformation for a better life begins - a time to awaken the healer within.

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Learn More

Spring Forest Qi Gong is a 

revolutionary approach to the ancient Chinese teachings, revised and enhanced for the 21st century. 

It has been called the "Most powerful healing technique the world has ever known". 


 Qi means "energy" and Gong "means to work with" so simply put, Qi Gong means "working with the body's energy".  There are five simple postures or movements that open and remove blockages from your energy channels, revitalize your organs and rebalance your body. 


Spring Forest Qi Gong is a simple medical practice that involves moving meditation to provide balance, happiness and flow. 


Move towards a state of healing, increase self-awareness, build internal energy and develop a healthy mind, body and spirit!


These simple movements support you in healing by balancing the energies within you. Achieving this balance will result in reduced physical pain, anxiety, stress, depression and so much more.


Book today - give yourself or your child the tools to connect to their joy and feel balanced, more energized and overall, healthier.


Click here to try a practice session at home.





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Reach out to inquire about sessions.

Or click below to see upcoming sessions offered at the Bonnyville C2.



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