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Free healing at home

Welcome. Here you will find a glimpse into the beginning or continuation of your healing journey.  Feel free to listen, explore, and enjoy these recordings from the comfort of your home or your forest!

Distant healing:


Energy has no boundaries.


Ruth is a Master Practitioner of distant healing and readings - connect with her for energy healings and readings at your own leisure and in the comfort of your own home (she offers convenient, at home sessions avoiding the cost and time to travel). 

Bedside Table

Qi Gong at home:



Spring Forest Qi Gong is a revolutionary and modernized form of traditional Qi Gong that has been highly effective in healing.  Founder and Master Chunyi Lin describes it as a practice of connecting with ourselves.  Qi means “Energy” and Gong means “to work with” so simply put Qi Gong means working with the body’s energy.  Healing comes from alignment of body, mind, and heart.  This is a simple practice of 5 postures that anyone can do that will help open and clear blockages within the energy channels and organs of the body.  You cannot do these postures wrong – there is only good, better and best!  Have fun with it, practice it, and enjoy the results!  Here are some points to remember:


  • Qi Gong Breath – Breathe in through the nose, tuck belly towards spine, exhale through the mouth.  This powerful cleansing breath can take you from your head to where you need to be energetically - your heart, and get rid of panic or anxiety.  Panic, anxiety results from an imbalance in the stomache, the posture connecting Heaven and Earth along with the feeling of contentment is great for panic and anxiety.

  • Practice Practice – Once a day, even if it is only 5 minutes a day starting .  You can easily adapt these postures to sitting, lying, but the best is standing.  If you get tired visualize yourself doing them, it will still prove beneficial. 

  • The Emotions – Feel the emotions, feeling is healing! Each organ houses a different emotion, I will give you the emotion to feel that can clear and unblock stagnant energy of the organs, rebalancing them. Studies from the HeartMath Institute prove that feeling these positive emotions can ignite over 1400 healing cell reactions within the body. 


Meditate at home:

Ground And Fill
00:00 / 17:16
Healing through Chakras
00:00 / 16:53
Qi Gong Emotional Reboot
00:00 / 20:40

Grounding and Filling – Great for relaxation, depletion, grounding, anxiety and stress.  This recording helps you gently move back into your bones, fills you up and connects you with the earth’s nourishing energy! (~20 mins)


Experience Forest Therapy - A one hour session which will bring you to a new level with nature.  (~60 min), please inquire for a free session.


Healing through the Chakras – Experience the 8 energy centers within the body, rebalance them and hear their messages.


Intro into Qi Gong (~20 min Emotional Reboot) Learn the 5 simple postures and ignite your healing! Please inquire for a free session.


Treasure Hunt Secrets of Qi Gong

Chi is the most powerful medicine within the body.  Chi is not only energy to help operate organs, it has an intelligence to heal tissue, heal organs.  When you are sick you might immediately  go to the medicine cabinet and take medicine to help you feel better. 


These exercises are like opening the medicine cabinet to the body. The body has the intelligence to heal.

One of  Master Chuny Lin's clients had severe lung problems, lung disease.  She was suppose to have a lung transplant. 8 weeks of Chi Gong and the most powerful medicine within the body healed her forever. Please inquire for a free session.

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